Source code for HierMat.hmat

""" :class:`HMat`, :func:`build_hmatrix`, :func:`recursion_build_hmatrix`, :class:`StructureWarning`
import math
import numbers
import numpy
import copy

from HierMat.rmat import RMat

[docs]class HMat(object): """Implement a hierarchical Matrix :param blocks: list of HMat instances (children) (optional) :type blocks: list(HMat) :param content: the content if the matrix has no children (optional) :type content: RMat or numpy.matrix :param shape: the shape of the matrix (same as for numpy matrices) :type shape: tuple(int, int) :param parent_index: the index of this matrix with respect to its containing *parent*-matrix, zero based :type parent_index: tuple(int, int) .. admonition:: Supported operations * ``+`` (formatted addition) * ``*`` (formatted multiplication) * ``-a`` (unary minus) * ``-`` (formatted subtraction) * ``==`` (equal) * ``!=`` (not equal) * ``abs`` (frobenius norm) * ``inv`` (inversion) """ def __init__(self, blocks=(), content=None, shape=(), parent_index=()): """Implement a hierarchical Matrix :param blocks: list of HMat instances the children (optional) :type blocks: list(HMat) :param content: the content if the matrix has no children (optional) :type content: RMat or numpy.matrix :param shape: the shape of the matrix (same as for numpy matrices) :type shape: tuple(int, int) :param parent_index: the index of this matrix with respect to its containing *parent*-matrix, zero based :type parent_index: tuple(int, int) """ self.blocks = blocks # This list contains the lower level HMats self.content = content # If not empty, this is either a full matrix or a RMat self.shape = shape # Tuple of dimensions, i.e. size of index sets self.parent_index = parent_index # Tuple of coordinates for the top-left corner in the root matrix def __getitem__(self, item): """Get block at position i, j from root-index or ith block from blocks""" if isinstance(item, int): return self.blocks[item] else: structured_blocks = {block.parent_index: block for block in self.blocks} return structured_blocks[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set block at index key to value""" if isinstance(key, int): self.blocks[key] = value else: index = self.blocks.index(self[key]) self.blocks[index] = value def __repr__(self): return '<HMat with {content}>'.format(content=self.blocks if self.blocks else self.content) def __eq__(self, other): """test for equality :param other: other HMat :type other: HMat :return: true on equal :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(self, type(other)): return False length = len(self.blocks) if len(other.blocks) != length: return False eqs = [a == b for a in self.blocks for b in other.blocks] if sum(eqs) != length: # ignore order of blocks return False if not isinstance(self.content, type(other.content)): return False if isinstance(self.content, RMat) and self.content != other.content: return False if isinstance(self.content, numpy.matrix) and not numpy.array_equal(self.content, other.content): return False if self.shape != other.shape: return False if self.parent_index != other.parent_index: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): """test for inequality :param other: other HMat :type other: HMat :return: true on not equal :rtype: bool """ return not self == other def __abs__(self): """Frobenius norm""" if isinstance(self.content, RMat): return self.content.norm() elif isinstance(self.content, numpy.matrix): return numpy.linalg.norm(self.content) else: total = 0 for block in self.blocks: total += abs(block)**2 return math.sqrt(total)
[docs] def norm(self, order=None): """Norm of the matrix :param order: order of the norm (see in :func:`numpy.linalg.norm`) :return: norm :rtype: float """ if order is None or order == 'fro': return abs(self) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only Frobenius implemented so far')
def __add__(self, other): """addition with several types""" try: if self.shape != other.shape: raise ValueError("operands could not be broadcast together with shapes" " {0.shape} {1.shape}".format(self, other)) except AttributeError: if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number): raise NotImplementedError('unsupported operand type(s) for +: {0} and {1}'.format(type(self), type(other))) else: return self._add_matrix(numpy.matrix(other)) if isinstance(other, HMat): return self._add_hmat(other) elif isinstance(other, RMat): return self._add_rmat(other) elif isinstance(other, numpy.matrix): return self._add_matrix(other) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported operand type(s) for +: {0} and {1}'.format(type(self), type(other))) def _add_hmat(self, other): """add two hmat objects if structures do not match refine to finer structure :param other: HMat to add :type other: HMat :return: sum :rtype: HMat """ # check inputs if self.parent_index != other.parent_index: raise ValueError('can not add {0} and {1}. root indices {0.parent_index} ' 'and {1.parent_index} not the same'.format(self, other)) if self.content is None and other.blocks == (): # only other has content, so restructure other to match structure addend = other.restructure(self.block_structure()) return self + addend elif self.blocks == () and other.content is None: # only self has content, so restructure self to match structure addend = self.restructure(other.block_structure()) return addend + other # both have content elif isinstance(self.content, numpy.matrix) and isinstance(other.content, RMat): # # take other first to avoid numpy broadcast # return HMat(content=other.content + self.content, shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) # take other to full return HMat(content=self.content + other.to_matrix(), shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) elif self.content is not None: # both have content, that can be added left to right return HMat(content=self.content + other.content, shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) # if we get here, both have children elif len(self.blocks) == len(other.blocks): blocks = [self[index] + other[index] for index in self.block_structure()] return HMat(blocks=blocks, shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) else: raise ValueError('can not add {0} and {1}. number of blocks are different'.format(self, other)) def _add_rmat(self, other): # TODO: What here? raise NotImplementedError() def _add_matrix(self, other): """add full matrix to hmat :param other: matrix to add :type other: numpy.matrix :return: sum :rtype: HMat """ if self.shape != other.shape: raise ValueError('operands could not be broadcast together with shapes' ' {0.shape} {1.shape}'.format(self, other)) out = HMat(shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) if self.blocks != (): out.blocks = [] for block in self.blocks: start_x = block.parent_index[0] start_y = block.parent_index[1] end_x = start_x + block.shape[0] end_y = start_y + block.shape[1] out.blocks.append(block + other[start_x: end_x, start_y: end_y]) else: out.content = self.content + other return out def __radd__(self, other): """Should be commutative so just switch""" return self + other def __neg__(self): """Unary minus""" out = HMat(shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) if self.content is not None: out.content = -self.content else: out.blocks = [] for block in self.blocks: out.blocks.append(-block) return out def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract other :type other: HMat """ return self + (-other) def __mul__(self, other): """multiplication with several types""" if isinstance(other, numpy.matrix): # order is important here! return self._mul_with_matrix(other) elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray): return self._mul_with_vector(other) elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return self._mul_with_scalar(other) elif isinstance(other, RMat): return self._mul_with_rmat(other) elif isinstance(other, HMat): return self._mul_with_hmat(other) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported operand type(s) for *: {0} and {1}'.format(type(self), type(other))) def __rmul__(self, other): """multiply from the right only supported for scalars enables to write ``a * H`` """ if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number): raise NotImplementedError('unsupported operand type(s) for *: {0} and {1}'.format(type(self), type(other))) return self * other def _mul_with_vector(self, other): """multiply with a vector :param other: vector :type other: numpy.array :return: result vector :rtype: numpy.array """ if self.content is not None: # We have content. Multiply and return return self.content * other else: if self.shape[1] != other.shape[0]: raise ValueError('shapes {0.shape} and {1.shape} not aligned: ' '{0.shape[1]} (dim 1) != {1.shape[0]} (dim 0)'.format(self, other)) res_length = self.shape[0] res = numpy.zeros((res_length, 1)) for block in self.blocks: res_index_start, in_index_start = block.parent_index x_length, y_length = block.shape in_index_end = in_index_start + y_length res_index_end = res_index_start + x_length res[res_index_start: res_index_end] += block * other[in_index_start: in_index_end] return res def _mul_with_matrix(self, other): """multiply with a numpy.matrix :param other: matrix :type other: numpy.matrix :return: result matrix :rtype: numpy.matrix """ # TODO: should this be a HMat? if self.content is not None: return self.content * other else: if self.shape[1] != other.shape[0]: raise ValueError('shapes {0.shape} and {1.shape} not aligned: ' '{0.shape[1]} (dim 1) != {1.shape[0]} (dim 0)'.format(self, other)) res_shape = (self.shape[0], other.shape[1]) res = numpy.zeros(res_shape) for block in self.blocks: row_count, col_count = block.shape row_start, col_current = block.parent_index row_end = row_start + row_count res[row_start:row_end, :] += block * other[row_start:row_end, :] return res def _mul_with_rmat(self, other): """multiplication with an rmat :param other: rmat to multiply :type other: RMat :return: Hmat containing the product :rtype: HMat """ out = HMat(shape=(self.shape[0], other.shape[1]), parent_index=self.parent_index) if isinstance(self.content, RMat): out.content = self.content * other elif self.content is not None: out.content = other.__rmul__(self.content) else: # TODO: Check this for correctness raise TypeError("Encountered HMat with blocks * RMat! What should I do?!") return out def _mul_with_hmat(self, other): """multiplication with other hmat :type other: HMat """ if self.shape[1] != other.shape[0]: raise ValueError('shapes {0.shape} and {1.shape} not aligned: ' '{0.shape[1]} (dim 1) != {1.shape[0]} (dim 0)'.format(self, other)) out_shape = (self.shape[0], other.shape[1]) if self.parent_index[1] != other.parent_index[0]: raise ValueError('root indices {0.parent_index} and {1.parent_index} not aligned: ' '{0.parent_index[1]} (dim 1) != {1.parent_index[0]} (dim 0)'.format(self, other)) out_parent_index = (self.parent_index[0], other.parent_index[1]) if self.content is not None and other.content is not None: # simplest case, both have content out_content = self.content * other.content return HMat(content=out_content, shape=out_shape, parent_index=out_parent_index) elif self.content is None and other.content is None: # both have blocks return self._mul_with_hmat_blocks(other, out_shape, out_parent_index) elif self.content is not None: # other has blocks, self has content. Collect other to full matrix return HMat(content=self.content * other.to_matrix(), shape=out_shape, parent_index=out_parent_index) else: # other has content, self has blocks. Collect self to full return HMat(content=self.to_matrix() * other.content, shape=out_shape, parent_index=out_parent_index) def _mul_with_hmat_blocks(self, other, out_shape, out_parent_index): """multiplication when self and other have blocks :type other: HMat """ if self.column_sequence() != other.row_sequence(): raise ValueError('structures are not aligned. ' '{0} != {1}'.format(self.column_sequence(), other.row_sequence())) out_blocks = [] # formula from Howard Eves: Theorem 1.9.6 for i in list(set([b[0] for b in self.block_structure()])): for j in list(set([b[1] for b in other.block_structure()])): out_block = None for k in list(set([l[1] for l in self.block_structure()])): if out_block is None: out_block = self[i, k] * other[k, j] else: out_block = out_block + self[i, k] * other[k, j] out_blocks.append(out_block) return HMat(blocks=out_blocks, shape=out_shape, parent_index=out_parent_index) def _mul_with_scalar(self, other): """multiplication with integer :type other: Number.number """ out = HMat(shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) if self.content is not None: out.content = self.content * other return out else: out.blocks = [block * other for block in self.blocks] return out
[docs] def block_structure(self): """return the block structure of self produce a dict with parent_index: block paris :rtype: dict :returns: dict with index: HMatrix pairs """ structure = {block.parent_index: block.shape for block in self.blocks} return structure
[docs] def column_sequence(self): """Return the sequence of column groups as in thm. 1.9.4. in :cite:`eves1966elementary` only for consistent matrices :return: list of column-sizes in first row :rtype: list(int) :raises: :class:`StructureWarning` if the matrix is not consistent """ if not self.is_consistent(): raise StructureWarning('Warning, block structure is not consistent! Results may be wrong') pre_sort = sorted(self.block_structure(), key=lambda item: item[1]) sorted_indices = sorted(pre_sort) if not sorted_indices: return [self.shape[1]] start_col = self.parent_index[1] current_col = start_col max_cols = start_col + self.shape[1] col_seq = [] for index in sorted_indices: rows, cols = self.block_structure()[index] current_col += cols col_seq.append(cols) if current_col == max_cols: # end of column, return list return col_seq
[docs] def row_sequence(self): """Return the sequence of row groups as in thm. 1.9.4. in :cite:`eves1966elementary` defined only for consistent matrices :return: list of row-sizes in first column :rtype: list(int) :raises: :class:`StructureWarning` if the matrix is not consistent """ if not self.is_consistent(): raise StructureWarning('Warning, block structure is not consistent! Results may be wrong') pre_sort = sorted(self.block_structure()) sorted_indices = sorted(pre_sort, key=lambda item: item[1]) if not sorted_indices: return [self.shape[0]] start_row = self.parent_index[0] current_row = start_row max_rows = start_row + self.shape[0] row_seq = [] for index in sorted_indices: rows, cols = self.block_structure()[index] current_row += rows row_seq.append(rows) if current_row == max_rows: # end of row, return list return row_seq
[docs] def is_consistent(self): """check if the blocks are aligned, i.e. we have consistent rows and columns as in def. 1.9.5 in :cite:`eves1966elementary` :return: True on consistency, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if self.block_structure() == {}: # if we have no blocks, we just have to check the shape return self.content.shape == self.shape pre_sort = sorted(self.block_structure(), key=lambda item: item[1]) sorted_indices = sorted(pre_sort) start_row, start_col = (0, 0) current_row = start_row current_col = start_col max_rows = start_row + self.shape[0] max_cols = start_col + self.shape[1] col_rows = 0 # to keep track of the height of each block col_seq = [] # sequence of sub-column lengths to compare current_col_seq = [] for index in sorted_indices: # iterate over the index list to check each block column by column rows, cols = self.block_structure()[index] if index != (current_row, current_col): # starting point of block is not where it should be return False current_col += cols current_col_seq.append(cols) if col_rows == 0: # first block in a column col_rows = rows if rows != col_rows: # this block has different height than the others in this column return False if current_col == max_cols: # end of column, check against previous and go to next column if not col_seq: # first column, so store for comparison col_seq = current_col_seq if col_seq != current_col_seq: # this column has a different partition than the previous return False current_col = start_col current_row += col_rows col_rows = 0 current_col_seq = [] if current_row == max_rows: # end of row, all fine return True # if we get to here, the shape of self is exceeded by its blocks in at least one direction return False
[docs] def restructure(self, structure): """Restructure self into blocks to match structure :param structure: a dict as returned by HMat.block_structure :type structure: dict(index: size) :returns: HMat that has the specified structure :rtype: HMat :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` if self has blocks or if self contains unknown content """ if self.blocks != (): raise NotImplementedError('Only implemented for hmat without blocks') out_blocks = [] for index in structure: start_x = index[0] start_y = index[1] end_x = start_x + structure[index][0] end_y = start_y + structure[index][1] if isinstance(self.content, RMat): out_blocks.append(HMat(content=self.split_rmat(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y), shape=structure[index], parent_index=index)) elif isinstance(self.content, numpy.matrix): out_blocks.append(HMat(content=self.split_hmat(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y), shape=structure[index], parent_index=index)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Illegal structure found in restructure') return HMat(blocks=out_blocks, shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index)
[docs] def split_rmat(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y): """Fetch the block specified by indices from a rmat .. admonition:: Example .. code:: python r = RMat(numpy.matrix([[2], [2], [2]]), numpy.matrix([[3], [3], [3]])) h = HMat(content=r, shape=(3, 3), parent_index=(0, 0)) res = h.split_rmat(0, 2, 1, 3) res <RMat with left_mat: matrix([[2]]), right_mat: matrix([[3]]) and max_rank: None> :param start_x: vertical start index :type start_x: int :param start_y: horizontal start index :type start_y: int :param end_x: vertical end index :type end_x: int :param end_y: horizontal end index :type end_y: int :returns: rmat with corresponding block :rtype: RMat """ return self.content.split(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
[docs] def split_hmat(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y): """Fetch the block specified by indices from a numpy.matrix :param start_x: vertical start index :type start_x: int :param start_y: horizontal start index :type start_y: int :param end_x: vertical end index :type end_x: int :param end_y: horizontal end index :type end_y: int :returns: numpy.matrix with corresponding block :rtype: numpy.matrix """ return self.content[start_x: end_x, start_y: end_y]
[docs] def to_matrix(self): """Full matrix representation :return: full matrix :rtype: numpy.matrix """ if self.blocks: # The matrix has children so fill recursive out_mat = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(self.shape)) for block in self.blocks: # determine the position of the current block vertical_start = block.parent_index[0] vertical_end = vertical_start + block.shape[0] horizontal_start = block.parent_index[1] horizontal_end = horizontal_start + block.shape[1] # fill the block with recursive call out_mat[vertical_start:vertical_end, horizontal_start:horizontal_end] = block.to_matrix() return out_mat elif isinstance(self.content, RMat): # We have an RMat in content, so return its full representation return self.content.to_matrix() else: # We have regular content, so we return it return self.content
[docs] def transpose(self): """Return transposed copy of self :rtype: RMat """ out_shape = (self.shape[1], self.shape[0]) if self.blocks == (): out_content = self.content.transpose() out_blocks = () else: out_content = None out_blocks = [] for block in self.blocks: out_block = block.transpose() out_block.parent_index = (block.parent_index[1], block.parent_index[0]) out_blocks.append(out_block) return HMat(content=out_content, blocks=out_blocks, shape=out_shape, parent_index=self.parent_index)
[docs] def zero(self, make_copy=True): """Return a copy of self with zero entries i.e. an HMat instance with the same structure, but all content is replaced by numpy.zeros .. note:: If make_copy is True, a deepcopy is made at the beginning. This can be very slow for large matrices. :param make_copy: make a copy of the matrix to not change the original (Default True) :type make_copy: bool :return: zero matrix :rtype: HMat """ if self.content is not None: return HMat(content=numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(self.shape)), shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) else: if make_copy: out = copy.deepcopy(self) else: out = self structure = out.block_structure() for index in structure: out[index] = out[index].zero() return out
[docs] def inv(self, make_copy=True): """Invert the matrix according to chapter 7.5.1 in :cite:`hackbusch2015hierarchical` .. note:: If make_copy is True, a deepcopy is made at the beginning. This can be very slow for large matrices. :param make_copy: make a copy of the matrix to not change the original (Default True) :type make_copy: bool :return: approximation of inverse :rtype: HMat :raises: :class:`numpy.LinAlgError` if matrix is singular """ if isinstance(self.content, numpy.matrix): return HMat(content=numpy.linalg.inv(self.content), shape=self.shape, parent_index=self.parent_index) if make_copy: self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) else: self_copy = self out_matrix = row_sequence = self.row_sequence() col_sequence = self.column_sequence() bls = row_sequence[0] # block size block_check = [bls != c for c in row_sequence] if row_sequence != col_sequence or any(block_check): raise ValueError('not all squares') rows = len(row_sequence) for l in xrange(rows): out_matrix[l * bls, l * bls] = self_copy[l * bls, l * bls].inv() for j in xrange(l): out_matrix[l * bls, j * bls] = out_matrix[l * bls, l * bls] * out_matrix[l * bls, j * bls] for j in xrange(l + 1, rows): self_copy[l * bls, j * bls] = out_matrix[l * bls, l * bls] * self_copy[l * bls, j * bls] for i in xrange(l + 1, rows): for j in xrange(l+1): out_matrix[i * bls, j * bls] = out_matrix[i * bls, j * bls] - self_copy[i * bls, l * bls] * out_matrix[l * bls, j * bls] for j in xrange(l+1, rows): self_copy[i * bls, j * bls] = self_copy[i * bls, j * bls] - self_copy[i * bls, l * bls] * self_copy[l * bls, j * bls] for l in xrange(rows - 1, -1, -1): for i in xrange(l - 1, -1, -1): for j in xrange(rows): out_matrix[i * bls, j * bls] = out_matrix[i * bls, j * bls] - self_copy[i * bls, l * bls] * out_matrix[l * bls, j * bls] return out_matrix
[docs]def build_hmatrix(block_cluster_tree=None, generate_rmat_function=None, generate_full_matrix_function=None): """Factory to build an hierarchical matrix Takes a block cluster tree and generating functions for full matrices and low rank matrices respectively The generating functions take a block cluster tree as input and return a RMat or numpy.matrix respectively :param block_cluster_tree: block cluster tree giving the structure :type block_cluster_tree: BlockClusterTree :param generate_rmat_function: function taking an admissible block cluster tree and returning a rank-k matrix :param generate_full_matrix_function: function taking an inadmissible block cluster tree and returning a numpy.matrix :return: hmatrix :rtype: HMat """ root = HMat(blocks=[], shape=tuple(block_cluster_tree.shape()), parent_index=(0, 0)) recursion_build_hmatrix(root, block_cluster_tree, generate_rmat_function, generate_full_matrix_function) return root
[docs]def recursion_build_hmatrix(current_hmat, block_cluster_tree, generate_rmat, generate_full_mat): """Recursion to :func:`build_hmatrix` """ if block_cluster_tree.admissible: # admissible level found, so fill content with rank-k matrix and stop current_hmat.content = generate_rmat(block_cluster_tree) current_hmat.blocks = () elif not block_cluster_tree.sons: # no sons and not admissible, so fill content with full matrix and stop current_hmat.content = generate_full_mat(block_cluster_tree) current_hmat.blocks = () else: # recursion: generate new hmatrix for every son in block cluster tree x_parent, y_parent = block_cluster_tree.plot_info for son in block_cluster_tree.sons: x_current, y_current = son.plot_info parent_index = (x_current - x_parent, y_current - y_parent) new_hmat = HMat(blocks=[], shape=son.shape(), parent_index=parent_index) current_hmat.blocks.append(new_hmat) recursion_build_hmatrix(new_hmat, son, generate_rmat, generate_full_mat)
[docs]class StructureWarning(Warning): """Special Warning used in this module to indicate bad block structure""" pass