Source code for HierMat.examples.model_1d

"""This is an implementation of the one-dimensional model example described in :cite:`thesis`.
It shows a typical use-case of hierarchical matrices:
.. admonition:: Integral Equation
    .. math::
        \int_0^1 \frac{1}{2\pi}\log |x-y| u(y) dy = g
    for :math:`x \in [0,1]`.

    After Galerkin discretization, we end up with a linear system

    .. math::

        \mathbf{A}^{\\text{Gal}} \cdot \\alpha = \mathbf{g}


    .. math::

        \mathbf{A}^{\\text{Gal}}_{t,\\tau}:= \int_{t}\int_{\\tau} \log |x-y| dy dx

    To determine admissible blocks we start by building the geometric objects:

    .. code-block:: python

        midpoints = [((i + 0.5)/n,) for i in xrange(n)]
        intervals = {p: (p[0] - 0.5/n, p[0] + 0.5/n) for p in midpoints}
        grid = HierMat.Grid(points=midpoints, supports=intervals)
        cluster = HierMat.Cluster(grid=grid)
        unit_cuboid = HierMat.Cuboid([0], [1])
        strategy = HierMat.RegularCuboid(cluster=cluster, cuboid=unit_cuboid)
        cluster_tree = HierMat.build_cluster_tree(splitable=strategy, max_leaf_size=n_min)
        block_cluster_tree = HierMat.build_block_cluster_tree(left_cluster_tree=cluster_tree,

    With the structure established, we can produce the hierarchical matrix:

    .. code-block:: python

        hmat = HierMat.build_hmatrix(block_cluster_tree=block_cluster_tree,
                                 generate_rmat_function=lambda bct: galerkin_1d_rank_k(bct, max_rank),
import numpy
import scipy.integrate as integrate

import HierMat

import os
import math

[docs]def model_1d(n=2 ** 3, max_rank=2, n_min=2): """This is an implementation of the one-dimensional model example described in :cite:`thesis`. :param n: number of discretization points :type n: int :param max_rank: max rank of the low-rank approximation :type max_rank: int :param n_min: minimal leaf size for cluster trees :type n_min: int :return: error """ midpoints = [((i + 0.5)/n,) for i in xrange(n)] intervals = {p: (p[0] - 0.5/n, p[0] + 0.5/n) for p in midpoints} grid = HierMat.Grid(points=midpoints, supports=intervals) cluster = HierMat.Cluster(grid=grid) unit_cuboid = HierMat.Cuboid([0], [1]) strategy = HierMat.RegularCuboid(cluster=cluster, cuboid=unit_cuboid) cluster_tree = HierMat.build_cluster_tree(splitable=strategy, max_leaf_size=n_min) HierMat.export(cluster_tree, form='dot', out_file='') os.system('dot -Tpng > model_1d-ct.png') os.system('dot -Tsvg > model_1d-ct.svg') block_cluster_tree = HierMat.build_block_cluster_tree(left_cluster_tree=cluster_tree, right_cluster_tree=cluster_tree, admissible_function=HierMat.admissible ) HierMat.plot(block_cluster_tree, filename='model_1d-bct.png') hmat = HierMat.build_hmatrix(block_cluster_tree=block_cluster_tree, generate_rmat_function=lambda bct: galerkin_1d_rank_k(bct, max_rank), generate_full_matrix_function=galerkin_1d_full ) hmat_full = hmat.to_matrix() galerkin_full = galerkin_1d_full(block_cluster_tree) HierMat.export(hmat, form='bin', out_file='hmat.bin') numpy.savetxt('hmat_full.txt', hmat_full) numpy.savetxt('gallmat_full.txt', galerkin_full) res = numpy.linalg.norm(hmat_full - galerkin_full) return res
[docs]def kerlog(x): """kerlog function as in :cite:`thesis`. .. math:: kerlog(x):= x^2 \left( \log(\Vert x \Vert) - \\frac{1}{2} \\right) :param x: real number :type x: float :return: :math:`x^2 ( \log(\Vert x \Vert) - \\frac{1}{2} )` :rtype: float """ out = x**2 * (numpy.log(abs(x))-0.5) if math.isnan(out): return 0 else: return out
[docs]def ker(x, y): """Kernel to integrate .. math:: ker(x, y):= \log\left(\Vert x - y \Vert\\right) :param x: real number :type x: float :param y: real number :type y: float :return: :math:`\log\left(\Vert x - y \Vert\\right)` :rtype: float """ return numpy.log(abs(x - y)) / (2 * numpy.pi)
[docs]def galerkin_1d_rank_k(block_cluster_tree, max_rank): """Low-rank approximation of the kernel .. math:: R: &= A \cdot B^T A_{\\tau, k}: &= \int_\\tau \log \Vert x-y_k\Vert dx B_{\\tau, k}: &= \int_\\tau \mathcal{L}_k(y) dy :param block_cluster_tree: admissible block cluster tree :type block_cluster_tree: HierMat.BlockClusterTree :param max_rank: separation rank :type max_rank: int :return: """ # initialize output x_length, y_length = block_cluster_tree.shape() left_matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((x_length, max_rank))) right_matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((y_length, max_rank))) # determine the y-interval y_low = block_cluster_tree.right_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(0)[0] y_high = block_cluster_tree.right_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(-1)[1] # build Chebyshev nodes y_nodes = get_chebyshev_interpol_points(max_rank, y_low, y_high) # build left_hand matrix for y_count, y_k in enumerate(y_nodes): for i in xrange(x_length): lower, upper = block_cluster_tree.left_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(i) left_matrix[i, y_count] = integrate.quad(lambda x: ker(x, y_k), lower, upper)[0] for j in xrange(y_length): lower, upper = block_cluster_tree.right_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(j) def lagrange(y): res = 1.0 for y_i in y_nodes: if y_i != y_k: res *= (y - y_i) / (y_k - y_i) return res right_matrix[j, y_count] = integrate.quad(lagrange, lower, upper)[0] return HierMat.RMat(left_mat=left_matrix, right_mat=right_matrix, max_rank=max_rank)
[docs]def galerkin_1d_full(block_cluster_tree): """Exact calculation of the integral .. math:: A_{i,j}=A_{\\tau,t}^{Gal}=\int_t\int_\\tau\log\Vert x-y\Vert \;dydx :param block_cluster_tree: inadmissible block cluster tree :type block_cluster_tree: HierMat.BlockClusterTree :return: matrix with same shape as block_cluster_tree.shape() :rtype: numpy.matrix """ x_length, y_length = block_cluster_tree.shape() out_matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((x_length, y_length))) for i in xrange(x_length): for j in xrange(y_length): c, d = block_cluster_tree.left_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(i) a, b = block_cluster_tree.right_clustertree.get_grid_item_support_by_index(j) out_matrix[i, j] = (-kerlog(d - b) + kerlog(c - b) + kerlog(d - a) - kerlog(c - a)) / (4 * numpy.pi) \ + (a - b) * (d - c) / (2 * numpy.pi) return out_matrix
[docs]def get_chebyshev_interpol_points(points, lower=0, upper=1): """Get Chebyshev interpolation points on interval :math:`(a, b)`. .. math:: \\frac{1}{2} (a + b) + \\frac{1}{2} (b - a) \cos\left(\\frac{2k+1}{2n}\pi\\right) for :math:`k=0, ..., \\text{points} - 1` :param points: number of points :type points: int :param lower: :math:`a`, (default 0) :type lower: float :param upper: :math:`b`, (default 0) :type upper: float :return: :math:`\\frac{1}{2} (a + b) + \\frac{1}{2} (b - a) \cos\left(\\frac{2k+1}{2n}\pi\\right)` :rtype: list(floats) """ return [(lower + upper + (upper - lower) * numpy.cos((2 * k + 1) * numpy.pi / (2 * points))) / 2 for k in xrange(points)]
if __name__ == '__main__': model_1d(n=2**8, max_rank=5, n_min=8)